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Traditions of Henna Tatooing

Henna (scientifically known as -Lawsonia Inermis-) is well known in the Arab and Muslim world and is mainly used for cosmetic purposes.

In various parts of the world Henna was and still is used in festivals and ceremonies like the Moroccan weddings. It’s traditionally known that the bride paint Henna on her hands and feet before one day of the wedding.

The women need to prepare Henna. So, they use dried leaves and they add either hot water or some natural oils that’s why Henna is completely safe for all type of skins . When the paste is applied in skin and left for to few hours, it leaves orange to dark maroon stain in the skin which fades away in 7 to 14 days.

The brides design is always the most elaborate one whilst the other women are often patterned with lesser design. However, the women enjoy it because The majority of them believe that if they put Henna that the bride use, they will find their soul-mate and get married as soon as possible.

Henna was used in traditional medicine as well. It is the magical plant because it has a great effect in healing. It contains many healing substance like Tannine and it has anti microbial effect as anti-viral effect.

Henna Uses :

BURNS: Henna when applied to a burn area first or second degree it gives very good results; it decreases the pain and fluid loss from the burn site, this is important if the burn area is large. It sticks to the burned site until healing is complete and it is easy to apply to the burned site as paste or powder. In addition, the Fresh leaves mixed with vinegar or limp juice is bandaged onto the soles treats burning feet.

Baldness: Using mustard oil boiled with Henna leaves promotes healthy hair growth. 250 grams of mustard oil is boiled in a pan. Some 50 to 60 grams of Henna leaves are added gradually to the oil and heated. The oil is then filtered through a cloth and stored in a bottle. Regular massage with this oil produces abundant hair.

Headaches: Henna flowers cure headaches caused by the heat of the sun. A plaster made of Henna, flowers in vinegar and applied over forehead relieves the headaches.

Dysentery: The bark of the plant is very effective in the treatment of dysentery. The seeds are powdered, mixed with ghee and rolled into small balls and then taken with water.

Henna is so important in a various parts of the world. Plus, it is so cheap and always available.